Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week 2

Was horrible!
Thanks to giving blood on Tuesday, and visiting a friend (well worth it) then going with my BF to play trivia (after being slightly guilted) then going on a 4 day vacation... I ran exactly one day.... 3.1miles. Not very impressive for week two. But now I'm back in town and have a relatively lightly scheduled week.

I got off on a good foot today (my Monday) by hitting the road at 8:30. I ran sidewalk and side-of-the-road-grass until I felt that it was too dark to safely be on the shoulder of the road. I finished up the last 10 minutes of my 47minute run by looping my apartment complex. I felt pretty good even though I didn't give my dinner enough time to digest before setting out for my run. I think I did at least 4 miles and only had to walk about 5 minutes of my run. Its looking like this week may be much more successful than the last one was. Thank goodness I have months to prepare for this!

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